Advent Poems

In 2019 I blogged a series of poems for Advent.

Here is the full list of poems I used:

Advent Poem 1: Annunciation, by Gillian Allnut

Advent Poem 2: Old Folks Laugh, by Maya Angelou

Advent Poem 3: In a Time of Peace, by Ilya Kaminsky

Advent Poem 4: A Little Bit About the Soul, by Wisława Szymborska

Advent Poem 5: Final Notations, by Adrienne Rich

Advent Poem 6: An Arab Shepherd is Searching for His Goat on Mount Zion, by Yehuda Amichai

Advent Poem 7: Sycamores at Tulse Hill Station, by Christopher North

Advent Poem 8: Seventh Avenue South, by Malena Mörling

Advent Poem 9: Ten Thousand, by Roo Borson

Advent Poem 10: Yes, by Muriel Rukeyser

Advent Poem 11: In Praise of Darkness, by Jorge Louis Borges

Advent Poem 12: Borders, by Peter Carpenter

Advent Poem 13: from Midnight, by Mourid Barghouti

Advent Poem 14: The Poet Wearies, by Adélia Prado

Advent Poem 15: ‘There was winter’s cold and moisture’, by Jaan Kaplinski

Advent Poem 16: the prophet, by Lucille Clifton

Advent Poem 17: Ultramarine, by Michael Symmons Roberts

Advent Poem 18: Ways of Rebelling, by Natalie Handal

Advent Poem 19: Drunken Winter, by Joseph Ceravolo

Advent Poem 20: Humankind, by Kerry Hardie

Advent Poem 21: Supper, by Beverley Bie Brahic

Advent Poem 22: December, by James Schuyler

Advent Poem 23: BC – AD, by U A Fanthorpe

Advent Poem 24: Mary, by Anthony Wilson